New Member looking for egg-laying hen

Hello From Texas
Hi and Welcome. If you just want a couple of hens for fresh eggs, and you want to be sure they are hens, you could get a started pullet. This is a young hen anywhere from 5 weeks old to 17 weeks. A couple of websites that you can check out are or
Mypetchicken has started pullets 5 weeks old in certain breeds and they want something in the area of $50 per bird. This covers the cost of shipping.Mcmurray has 5 and 17 week olds in certain breeds, but only at certain times of year. Mcmurray's prices are more reasonable at $9 for a 5 week old, and $13 for a 17 week old. I don't know about the shipping costs though. Hatcheries usually deal with day old chicks that can survive shipping for up to 3 days with out food and water. This is because the chicks absorb the yolks for nutrition just before they hatch. It is alot harder to ship a young bird as opposed to a newborn chick. That's why the price is so much higher for a started pullet. All of the online hatcheries offer day old pullets, males, or standard run (this is a crap shoot; you get whatever hatched that day. It could be all males! they don't sex standard runs.) I would not suggest hatching eggs because that too is a crap shoot whether or not you get males or females. Best of luck to you

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