New member, newly chicken obsessed


In the Brooder
Jan 1, 2020

We recently got chickens because we were having a serious beetle problem in the backyard and garden. We are an animal loving family but the girls were really pest control...initially...I am now chicken obsessed. We have 6 sex links- 2 black, 2 red (brown?), 2 white with black polka dots. They are hilarious, sweet and completely surprising. We fell in love. I now would like to start expanding my flock with endangered/rare heritage breeds.

I happy to finally have a community that will not think I’m nuts when I say I spent $30 on wild caught tuna for my girls. Lol. Also looking for some serious advice on roosters. I feel like they are a commitment- more than the girls due to noise. We are a forever home for our pets; so we like to be sure on all things prior to bringing them home.
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

Oh gosh, I buy out the veggie section at the grocery store, spending more on their food than the household food, I do believe the chickens eat better than we do! :lau

A rooster is not needed for eggs and all the mating can be rough on the girls. If he is friendly to humans and gentle on the hens, keep him. If not, they aren't worth it, rehome him.

Good luck and welcome to our community! :)
Welcome! Your sure to have plenty of eggs! Those sex links can really produce when happy and healthy!
I'm not a fan of roosters because I hate getting flogged by a crazed manic! I'm always in shorts and flip flops here in SC and it's not easy to run in them things! LOL! If you have small children that could be an issue. My son was attacked by one when he was little and he's a grown man now and won't trust a bird! LOL! Of course you might get lucky and get a mellow fellow which I never had the ability to find.
But I do have a few silkie roosters. They are smaller and tend to be more sweeter and the crow can be quite charming and not as loud and proud as bigger breeds. Also when one goes on defense it's not as much to contend with.
If your wanting to start reproducing with your girls and having chicks , I guess a rooster would be the only option. but if you only wanted bug control and plenty of eggs for your house hold then I'd stick to the girls. Chicken math can turn you into the crazy chicken lady with more than you know what to do with! LOL!

We recently got chickens because we were having a serious beetle problem in the backyard and garden. We are an animal loving family but the girls were really pest control...initially...I am now chicken obsessed. We have 6 sex links- 2 black, 2 red (brown?), 2 white with black polka dots. They are hilarious, sweet and completely surprising. We fell in love. I now would like to start expanding my flock with endangered/rare heritage breeds.

I happy to finally have a community that will not think I’m nuts when I say I spent $30 on wild caught tuna for my girls. Lol. Also looking for some serious advice on roosters. I feel like they are a commitment- more than the girls due to noise. We are a forever home for our pets; so we like to be sure on all things prior to bringing them home.
Try getting polish chickens, they are very friendly

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