new member nj


5 Years
Jun 19, 2014
new jersey
Been lurking byc for some time since i got my Tetra Tints (6) of them. They are about ten or eleven weeks old, going to be posting pictures of the coop and run I threw together over a 2 week span or so. Today when I was closing up the coop I noticed some blood on the top of the water jug that I had made I found the chicken in question and it seems she broke off the tip of her toe. The bleeding has stopped but wondering the best solution to helping her recover already cleaned it with a damp cloth and she dose not seem to be in much or any pain. Any help much appreciated.
Hello and welcome to BYC!

Is this the toe or the toe nail? If this is just the nail, you can use corn starch in the future on small bleeds like toe nails. If they are really long, you can trim them down as well. Make sure not to cut into the quick so it doesn't bleed.

If this is the actual toe, you might want to try and figure out what she caught it on. You can apply some antibacterial ointment or even blu-kote to the end and wrap it up in vet wrap or even some heavy duty tape. Anything to keep the crud out of it while it heals.

If it becomes a big problem, you can also post this in our emergency section for more help..

I hope your bird is going to be ok. :)
Sorry should have clarified on what it was, its just her toe nail. Small but good couple drops of blood it stopped bleeding but will remember the cornstarch trick later on. thank you very much and as a said pics on sunday or monday of coop and run and the chickens themselves.
thanks for the welcome. any others in northern nj morric coutnry. plz give some info about what you do with your chickens im only 23 and me and my gf living at my parents house got them i no they are hearty animals but i want to do the best for them that i can bvtw ( my parents always wanted chickens). so any information or leads to other forums for information to first timers much appreciated.
Welcome to the flock. If you go to "where am I, where are you," thread in the social forum you can locate your state and post on it. You may find people in your local area have chickens also.

The Learning Center is a great place to start. From there you could branch out to any forums that interest you such as "Raising Backyard Chickens," or "Coops section," or those on "predators," etc.
Alright lurkers welcome ,,,,,,

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