New Member, owner, and fanatic


5 Years
Apr 23, 2014
The day is finally here! I joined BYC and completed my coop. My 6 RIR girls are now about 20 days old.
My daughter playing with the chickens

The 99% completed chicken run

The day I finished the 12' x 12' shed and started the run

the inside view of the 4'x8' insulated coop before releasing my RIR hens

the back wall has roost, poop board, 6 laying boxes, sand floor, webcam, and hung feeder.

This is the electrical to my automatic chicken door

This is the inside of the shed. The coop door is on the left, and the garage and exit door on the right. I choose to place the coop in the shed to hide it from the exterior.

Fun view from the webcam...once I don't need the (red) light anymore then it'll look clearer.

Welcome to BYC!

Your babies are adorable and your coop is just gorgeous! You did a fantastic job on the build!

Enjoy your new babies. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!
Thank you! It was about 4 months to complete it and many of the days were in snow, sleet, and hurricane force winds! Im not kidding
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Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! What a neat coop and run set up! Really nice pictures. You might want to post the coop etc in the Coops section. The sharing space in the shed is nice for urban neighborhoods. Did you get Rhode Island Reds and Red Sex Links? Both of them are really good egg layers and should provide a lot of eggs for your family.
Thanks kelsie! I will post coop pics to that section as well like you said. I got 6 rhode island reds from tractor supply. I grew up with 50 rir hens when I was really young, so I really wanted rirs. Now hurry up and wait for eggs.
Welcome to BYC - good luck with your new flock. Post pictures as your chicks mature. I'm not certain that they are RIR.
Thanks sourland, the guy at tractor supply did say they are a mix of RIR and something else...he said theyre actually patented because theyre the best layers you can like to know what the other part is too.

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