new member. run questions

pacing EZ

9 Years
Apr 22, 2013
Hey all. I'm new to the group. I've had chickens in the past first time raising babies. They are 4 weeks and getting bigger by the day. Building a run for my birds as I have two many preadadors. It is all grass should I till it up for them or leave the grass. Also they r 4 weeks old at what temps can they start staying outside. Thanks a bunch. :):)
Definitely don't till it up for them!! They are going to till it up for you. In the mean time, before it becomes a dirt and muddy mess, let them enjoy all the green grass to eat. Chickens LOVE grass!! When they are fully feathered, you can leave them out. I'm not sure where you live, or what your climate is though. Welcome to BYC!!

Our Country Chronicles
I'm in sw Pennsylvania. Will let the grass stand then. I've been letting them out about 15 minutes every couple days so they aren't in the basement so much. Thanks for the feedback.
Greetings from Kansas, Pacing EZ, and
! Pleased you joined our community!! Chickens can be outside when they are fully feathered - about 6 weeks. That can probably be altered in you live in a warmer climate. Good luck to you!

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