New member starting a flock


Jan 9, 2016
Good People,
Thank you for your help and forgive my ignorance. I am hoping to start a flock of chickens. We have a nice patch of family land that has large covered aviarys my grandfather used to raise peacocks in. I can keep chickens in these nice large foragable pens or let them free range. I want my hens to go broody and be good mothers, I want my roosters to protect. I like eggs, but am much more interested in flock growing and using birds for meat as flock grows. I am looking for info on breeds that might fit, or multiple breeds. I am not overly concerned about a pure line. I am in SC. I should mention I am already raising Mucovy ducks. They are awesome and Bob White quail, the are not awesome.

Thanks for all your help and knowledge.
If you like eggs and want broody mothers I would suggest a mixed flock of leghorns (for eggs) and cochins (for good mothers) as for a rooster I would look online for an older roo that people are trying to get rid of that you know it is protective
Roosters are only protective to a point- they aren't going to defeat most predators. So the flock would still be in danger. The best a rooster can do is sound the alarm so his hens will run and hide, if possible.
I have someone who has offered a cukoo maran rooster. I also have someone who will trade me amerecaunas or barred rocks hens for some quail. Any thoughts on those breeds. I think I should relist my priority.

1. Mothering
2. Carcass
3. Eggs
My space is well protected from larger predators. Would love a rooster that would harrass old Mr. No Shoulders (snake) when he comes around
Thank you for all your great feedback already.
I switched to Dark Cornish because of the what some call excessive broodieness and I can eat the extra cockerels. Having a barred rock roo in the mix wouldn't hurt.

Thanks for joining us and good luck with your plans!

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