New Member with lots of questions


May 6, 2015
I just got my first chicks yesterday. I have been reading up a lot and very excited to get into backyard chickens.

I picked my chicks up from the local Standard Feed in Jacksonville, FL. I was looking to get a Buff Oprington and Plymouth Barred Rock but they had neither so I walked out with a Silver Laced Wyandotte and Rhode Island Red. I am told they are 2 weeks old. I am also told that there chicks are 96% hens. I do not want a rooster.

Can you tell if these chicks are going to be hens now or at what age? I will share a photos later when I get home.

Thanks :)
Welcome to BYC

Pics would help. Sexing isn't exact, that is why they give you a % for room for error. Some breeds are easier to sex than others.

Photos would give us a chance to guess at the gender - sometimes the size of the shank, the posture, and the feathering help.

And even then.....there can definitely be surprises!

It sounds like you only have two chicks? You might want to get one or two more - chickens are flock animals and if something happens to one of the chicks, you would have one heck of a lonely hen!
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Thanks, I think you are right I should get at least one more mostly in case one of them ends up being a rooster. I see a lot of people get loads of chicks is it common for something to happen to them? Do they get sick easily or is it that predators get them. I have this coop and do not want to overcrowd the chickens. Although i expect to free range the coop has two nesting bars.

I also have two dogs which I have read up on chickens and dogs and hoping they will get a long.

I know the feed store is getting buff orpingtons tomorrow. Should I get one of them, does it matter that it will be three weeks younger or should I stick with the breeds/age I have. Or would you suggest a breed to mix with my two. Seems like the younger one may get picked on by these two.

What age can I take outside?


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