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In the Brooder
Aug 1, 2016
Hi, Im a new chicken lover and as of now I have 21 chichens that I don,t know how to raise!! I am learning everyday and im trying to get to know them individually as well as them getting to know me. I have 2 silkies, 2 easter eggers, 4 roosters that were given to me and my avatar I don't know his breed?? 10 that was given to me as well which I don't know their breed, they have feather in their feet and they are kinda small, I got them when they were very little and they are grown now but not so big....oh and 1 rhode island hen named Rhoda!!!! I will be posting their pics soon,
Hi and welcome to BYC - thanks for joining us. The breed experts will help you out -

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All the best
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