New member


6 Years
Aug 3, 2016
Woodland, WA
Hi, I'm new to chickens and got four 16 week old hens Saturday and two 20 week old hens yesterday. I've been reading about how to slowly introduce the new ones, but is it still necessary since they are all technically "new" to my home. I have them seperate now until I know exactly how I want to do it. Advice please :)

We watched our neighbors try to introduce new chickens to their coop, (the older group was 18 weeks, the younger around 13). He kind of kept them separated until they were close to the same size, if not the exact same size. From what he told us, he didn't have much fights occur. Around 26 weeks, (5 week difference) there was no fights at all. Then again, this is not my experience, but hopefully it gives you an idea. :D

Good luck, and welcome to byc!
I have 7 hens and a rooster (4 5 months old and 4 1.5 yrs old). The older ones i got Sunday (7/31). I separated my coop so my current babies (1 silkie and 2 meat birds) can get used to them. My younger hens and rooster are only in the coop at night and dont seem to mind the new ones at all. Everyone seems to be getting along now and the new ones just want out. I'm not sure if its a good idea yet, so im in the same boat as you! I am playing it by ear basically and if they don't get along when i let the new ones out then ill put them back in the closed in area.
I have 7 hens and a rooster (4 5 months old and 4 1.5 yrs old). The older ones i got Sunday (7/31). I separated my coop so my current babies (1 silkie and 2 meat birds) can get used to them. My younger hens and rooster are only in the coop at night and dont seem to mind the new ones at all. Everyone seems to be getting along now and the new ones just want out. I'm not sure if its a good idea yet, so im in the same boat as you! I am playing it by ear basically and if they don't get along when i let the new ones out then ill put them back in the closed in area.
With that giant age gap, it's questionable. I wouldn't be surprised if there would be any fights. If they seem to be doing well together, slowly and patiently let them get to know each other. You already seem to be doing a good job of that anyways!

Good luck.
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With that giant age gap, it's questionable. I wouldn't be surprised if there would be any fights. If they seem to be doing well together, slowly and patiently let them get to know each other. You already seem to be doing a good job of that anyways!

Good luck. 

They are doing great so far. One of them even dug a hole and i believe is laying an egg in it. They all got the pecking order straightened up the first 5 mins or so but now don't even care the rest are out.

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