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In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2017
Hello from Michigan! I'm a new owner of chickens and ducks. Adopted 3 pekin ducks,2 years old and 2 Rhode Island Red roosters. I have 24 Rhode Island Red chicks and 6 pekin ducklings all are 1 month old. When can I remove the heat lamps from brooding pen? It still gets chilly here at night 30-40 degrees and I don't want eremove them too soon
I didn't know they would feather out faster! Good to know thank you.
Greetings from Kansas, floral, and
! Pleased you joined our community! I think the standard on removing heat is when the birds are fully feathered. But I know a lot of people remove heat (in warmer climates with not-too-chilly overnight lows) at 3 weeks or sooner. I think a lot depends on the coop set up - is it cozy and draft-free? Nice bedding on the floor? I don't want to steer you wrong but I think 4 weeks and they should be good to go if those conditions are met.
As a new poultry owner you might like to read up own the vast array of articles in the Learning Center here - they will set you well on your way to a successful journey with your flock:
And here are a couple duck links - for great articles on ducks:
And for questions about your quackers you can ask here:
Finally, if you'd like to chat with fellow MI poultry peeps, find your state thread here:
Best wishes to you and your flock and thanks for joining BYC!
Yes pen is draft free and chicks have about 80-85 % of feathers and ducklings are getting some feathers in on wings and tails. I will check out the articles on them thank you
Forgot to say that I'm putting cedar shavings down for bedding. Was thinking of putting straw down too

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