Oct 15, 2020
South Carolina
Hello there, my name is Ritz (yes, like the cracker). I’ve used this site for quite some time to answer many questions I’ve had regarding waterfowl and thought it was about time I became a member. I’ve always loved animals, I started rehabbing snakes a while ago but recently became fascinated by Canadian geese. I volunteer at a waterfowl sanctuary and have had many interactions and experiences with geese and ducks, but Canadians are always my go to. After learning a lot about them I thought i could be of some help for people who come in contact with them and are unsure what to do. I currently have no formal education regarding avian rehabilitation or migratory birds but after mistakes I’ve made and research Ive done I feel that I could be of some help. I’m on track to getting my wildlife rehabbers license and hope to open my own sanctuary that specializes in permanently injured Canadian geese (like a goose retirement home) in the future. But until then education on these amazing birds is all I can offer to ensure they have a happy life. Thank you!
A snake rehabber? How wonderful! My mother was absolutely phobic about snakes, so as a kid, I frequently "rescued" them from her hoe -- I once stopped her when she was pummeling one with her oversized handbag. I would then pick up her intended victims and release them o other side of the railroad tracks where I hoped they would have sense enough not to cross again. Those experiences have served me well when I have needed to relocate bull snakes on my acreage.

Kudos to you for volunteering at the waterfowl sanctuary and going for your rehabbers license. It's good to meet you and it sounds like you will be a great resource for BYC members!

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