New Member

Glad to meet you. So sorry for your losses Best wishes with your injured rooster.
Here is a website that gives info on a first aid kit for chickens with details about what each item is good for - so you can look down the list and decide what you need right away. And here is a discussion among our members about making up a first aid kit that might be helpful to you as well.

You will want to clean the wound (probably Chlorhexadine is best, but do with water if you don't have it right away) Cover the wound with some antibiotic ointment (like Neosporin) if it's not bleeding.
Separate the rooster from the rest of the birds, but in sight of others, so he's not stressed out. A dog carrier might be good.
You can give him aspirin dissolved in water for pain if he seems to be really hurting (5 adult aspirin fully dissolved in 1 gallon of water, according to the Chicken Chick website I mention above).

Then, look at why the dogs were able to attack your chickens. Were the chickens out free ranging? Or was their pen or coop damaged so that the dogs could dig or force their way in? You need to be sure the dogs won't be back and do more damage.

Here is a handy discussion on how to improve the protections on your coop and pen. If the dogs were yours and you thought the dogs were going to get along with the chickens, you should look at this article about introducing your dog to chickens.

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