New member!

Hi I am new to chickens but I currently have 11. I use to have 12 but my dad gave away one of the roosters for being a bit mean. I got them this year. I have 5 of the Smokey pearls that were sold at tractor supply, and 6 mysterious chicks that were sold to me as Rhode island egg layers but they are clearly not egg layers or Rhode island reds. My favorite thing about the chickens are the fact my 5 Smokeys are so fun to watch. They will ran at me when they see me for me to feed them and sometimes they let me hold them. My other hobbies are that I do play video games and I read. I started also doing some sewing also. I live with my dad and mom and my brother. We have 1 dog who is just jealous of the chickens all the time. I also have an aquarium with guppies and two dwarf frogs. I am currently not working but im looking to work with animals as a career. I found BYC from just looking up stuff about my chickens and what I could do and should be doing. I'm excited to join the community and get to the bottom of my mysterious broiler chickens!
Welcome to BYC!!
Hi I am new to chickens but I currently have 11. I use to have 12 but my dad gave away one of the roosters for being a bit mean. I got them this year. I have 5 of the Smokey pearls that were sold at tractor supply, and 6 mysterious chicks that were sold to me as Rhode island egg layers but they are clearly not egg layers or Rhode island reds. My favorite thing about the chickens are the fact my 5 Smokeys are so fun to watch. They will ran at me when they see me for me to feed them and sometimes they let me hold them. My other hobbies are that I do play video games and I read. I started also doing some sewing also. I live with my dad and mom and my brother. We have 1 dog who is just jealous of the chickens all the time. I also have an aquarium with guppies and two dwarf frogs. I am currently not working but im looking to work with animals as a career. I found BYC from just looking up stuff about my chickens and what I could do and should be doing. I'm excited to join the community and get to the bottom of my mysterious broiler chickens!
im gonna be honest when i say, it took me a good hour and a half, maybe two, to get over the "removal" of my favorite rooster, Storm. It wasnt even three months after i had saved him from the worst case of Botulisim i had ever seen. I was in there five times a day giving him water through a siringe cuz he couldnt lift his head. It was the ONLY sick bird i had been able to cure. He had the most beautiful crow and was pretty good size. He went after Mom cuz she would run away. He never would try me though. I think he understood what i had done for him. It still pains me to think about him.😭
Aw I'm sorry about Storm. He must have really loved and appreciated the care you gave him.

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