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Please stop with the oregano oil and the cinnamon. They're not going to help your hens.
Go to the farm store and get a bottle of Tylan50. You will also need a needle and syringe to draw it out of the bottle. I would dose each hen twice daily at a rate of 0.9 ml per 5# bird ORALLY. I simply squirt the medication into a piece of bread and feed the bread to the bird.
You will want to take each bird separately into a space where there are no other chickens to give them their medicine because you have a very high risk another birds will steal the bread and get overdosed.
The easiest thing to do is to go out before they've come off the roost and dose everybody and then do it again at night after they've gone to roost. You need to treat them for 5 to 7 days.
If the hen in the pictures has pus in the eye you're going to have to express it out. You'll want to pull her eyelid down and inspect the eye.
I agree. Her symptoms may be the beginning of MG. Are her eye weeping or have bubbles in them?

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