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10 Years
Jan 6, 2010
My neighbors call me the Chicken Lady . . . I live in a very isolated rural area of SW Georgia near the Alabama border. I have been raising chickens about three years now and have learned a lot from my chickens. I have recently become interested in Bantams and have several. I have enjoyed watching my chickens scratching around in their yard. I now have an escaped Black Tail White Japanese Bantam that has taken up residence under my porch. Can anyone give me advise on how I can catch this little beauty. He is really fast and won't let me very close nor does he come out from under the porch very much. Any suggestions would be most welcome.
Hello and
from Ontario Canada
You have picked the right forum to further feed your addiction of chickens ....
Have you tried using a broom or something to move him to one side and have someone ready to catch him or better yet a fishin net...
Good Luck !
Scartch and a net is a good idea. Warm oatmeal considering our current weather situation may lure him out too. Heck warm ANYTHING might lure him out!!

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