New Member


6 Years
Sep 23, 2013



What breed?
I am still learning so I have no idea.Just wanted to say hello and welcome.
Someone will tho. Think I will take a guess and see if I am right tho.1,Australorp 2 Buff mix 3 Easter egger.
Welcome to BYC!

1st one: Might be a Partridge Rock (I think I see some penciling), or a Rhode Island Red. Pretty bird!
2nd one: Buff Orpington
3rd one: Easter Egger. Easter Eggers are crosses between blue egg laying breeds like Ameraucanas and other breeds. They lay green, blue, or pinkish eggs, and come in many colors. They are often sold as "Americanas" or "Araucanas/Ameraucanas", but are actually crosses, not purebreds.
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Could you get a clearer photo of the dark colored bird? I would say it was a Rhode Island Red, but I think I see penciling on the feathers. In that case, it is probably either a Partridge Plymouth Rock, a Barnevelder, or some sort of mixed breed.The buff bird is probably a Buff Orpington, and the other chicken is an Easter Egger. All are pullets.


Here's #1 (dark one) and #2 again...

I guess #2 is for sure a buff Orpington, it's the best layer... #3 does lay blush tinted eggs but is the worst layer of the 3. #2 is the most friendly, and the dark one #1 is usually the most aggressive and skiddish also.

Here's #1 (dark one) and #2 again...

I guess #2 is for sure a buff Orpington, it's the best layer... #3 does lay blush tinted eggs but is the worst layer of the 3. #2 is the most friendly, and the dark one #1 is usually the most aggressive and skiddish also.

I'm pretty sure that #1 is a Partridge Rock, which is a breed that lays brown eggs.
I'm going to guess the brown hen with the pattern is a Partridge Rock; the buff is either Buff Rock or Buff Orpington; and the last one is an Easter Egger [EE]. In my experience, our 'purebred' EE hasn't been that good of a layer; however, our 'purebred' EE crossed with Leghorn hen lays almost like a leghorn, just with lovely green eggs. : D

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