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5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Shell Knob MO
Hi. just wanted to introduce myself. I got my first chicks about 2 weeks ago. I am kinda upset because I wanted laying hens and I am afraid I got cornish x. Started with 6 and they were supposed to be red pullets. Their feathers look like they are coming in white. I am new to this so not sure. I just want egg layers. How do you tell?

Welcome to BYC!

Did you get them at TSC? They can get these breeds really mixed up. But they still could be leghorns. They are white. You might want to post a pic in our What Breed section here on BYC for some good ID...

Good luck with you new birds! I am keeping my fingers crossed that they are not cornish!
Yes we bought them at TSC. 5 Of them are growing fast and are white and only one looks redish and is smaller. I an getting an appenzeller tonight from a breeder so at least I will have one chicken I can identify lol.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2 on post pictures of them if you can... the Cornish X will grow a lot faster, they should also have been yellow/white colored chicks ... the red pullets should have been buff or reddish colored chicks, they may feather in whitish to some extent, a lot of the sex links do especially the wings to start with.

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