New member ^^


May 12, 2015
Hi there! I've finally joined after over a month of using this site, looking at advice. This is my first time raising two little ducklings (raising birds at all, actually), a Pekin named Ducky and a Mallard we call Momo. They're a little over a month and already starting to show their own little personalities. I am having the greatest time watching them develop and interacting with them. I'm excited to start looking around this site even more and ask some questions, which I have plenty of already, lol! Anyway, hello!
Glad you joined the flock. If you go to "Other Backyard Poultry", forum above, you will find threads for ducks, etc. The people on the duck threads should be able to answer your questions. For overall education check out the Learning Center.
Welcome to BYC!

Glad you're having so much fun with your ducks. I've never had any (only chickens) but ducklings are so cute.

Drumstick Diva has pointed you in the right direction for more duck info.

Thanks for joining us!

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