New Milk Jar Covers (PIX)


15 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Tucson AZ
Last week I found the cutest fabric! It is a Polar Fleece type. It has a bit of stretch so it covers the jars and the ice paks that go against the jars to quickly chill the milk while I am milking.

I used some old buttons to keep the ribbon I used for a drawstrings from going back in the casing.

I think they are cute. And very practical!


The glasses of milk are what made me buy it!!


(And no I haven't finished the cowboy shirt yet, I will put on the collar today!)
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I love that print. It's just adorable. I also love polar fleece, it's so versatile. I love to buy remnants at the fabric store. I found one in baby blue with furry fleece teddy bears appliqued on it. I made a cute little changing pad for a baby gift for my cousin.

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