New mom, New brooder, open for suggestions

terry's chicks

In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 15, 2011
I got everything put together, I took a big plastic dog crate, opened it up, laid both sides end to end, zip tied them together securely, took the cage door, zip tied it in bettween both sections for now, got my heat bulb on, checking the temp. thermometer too big but easy to read, all they had yesterday. it was over 100 degrees, so I raised it. it now is about 98, but I have no top on except I'm going to put some type of sceen so there is plenty of room for them to go to the other end if they are too warm, They won't be stuck under the heat light, I did the newpaper, rubber shelving (you know the one with the holes) then savings, and several layers of paper towels for the first couple of days. I have my food, water (was told to be sure not cold), my package of Vitamins and electrolytes to mix in, and a gel pack coming with the babies. OK now can I get anymore obsessed or picky????????? Not sure if I can figure out how to link picture to this, I was able to download and make thumbnail but don't see it here. Bear with me please
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You are the best "NEW" mother ever. You have thought of everything. Really, baby chicks can survive with the barest of necessities, as long as they are warm and kept hydrated and then fed. I think the best part of having them though, like a new puppy or a new baby, is getting all ready or 'nesting'. I love that part, maybe it's because I get to go buy stuff and set it up all nice an pretty. This is what I do. I keep mine in a cardboard box for the first two or three days. I have trouble with the shaving under the paper towels, it is too cushy. I use a box just big enough, but not too big. For example, right now after a moment of weakness, I bought three silkies at TSC yesterday. I put them in a small box in my laundry sink on industrial strength blue paper towels with a quail waterer and a small plastic lid for food. I keep a red colored bulb (not a heat bulb) on them and raise it as needed for the 95 to 100 temps. If I have more chicks I use a bigger set up, and keep it very handy.
You might want to pick up some Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and add one tablespoon to a gallon of warm water, and add a half cup of sugar along with the electrolytes. Make sure your ACV has the 'mother' . It helps with the pasty butts. Don't forget chick grit at day three. There are great stickies here on the subject and I love Murray McMurry's chick starting advice.

Now, get your rocker and put it near your new babies, you must watch over them all hours of the night and day, just like a hen.
it's what I do.

ETA: I love your set up, very nice. Some chicks will need you to sprinkle feed around on the paper for a few days, until they get the hang of the feeder.
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if more people were as prepared as you when their first chicks arrived, there would be far less issues. Good job!! can't wait to see pics. Being fussy is a good thing when it comes to ensuring that your little ones have everything they need in order to survive and grow.


just saw the pic, looks great, those babies are going to be nice and cozy!!
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Thank you, must be the nurse in me. Now I'm worried about their trip here and hope they are all OK, I will send pictures and update when they get here, I'm sure I'll need lots of info and help.
Chicks are super easy! Feed, water, and heat are the necessities. Congrats on the construction of your brooder! What breed of chicks did you order and from where? I hope they all arrive safe and warm!

I ordered from McMurrary, minimum 24, more than I planned to order, 12 RIR, 7 Buff Orpingtons, 6 Columbian Wyandotte ? think I spelled those right, I just tried to pick ones, that were hardy breeds, and brown egg layers, I had a couple of people tell me the RIR aren't very friendly, I didn't know that? Suppose to ship out today and be her Mon or Tues. I ordered all girls, but I'm sure the "surprise chick" will be a boy. I will take pictures and post as soon as I can. Thanks
I haven't ever ordered from Mcmurray but I have heard good things! RIR are great layers and have good personalities when raised from chicks. They can be a little ornery. I like them! Congrats!


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