New "mom" to 4 chicks!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 20, 2012
I have dreamed of having chickens for years and years but couldn't have them where we lived or, after we finally bought our own home, couldn't talk my husband into them. We had a friend at church that had chickens and we would buy eggs off of him, but he recently moved away so no more of the GOOD eggs! We can't hardly tolerate store bought eggs anymore, so for my birthday my husband agreed to let me have some chickens.

We live in the suburbs. I checked the local ordinances and "fowl" is okay as long as they aren't a "nuisance". I checked with my next door neighbor to make sure he'd be okay with it and he was very excited! He'd even been thinking of getting chickens and since I was going to get some, he decided to as well! He has 2 "teenage" hens and a little banty hen. Not quite sure what kind they are though.

Anyhoo, we got a storebought coop because neither my husband or myself are very handy with wood. I am working on securing a fenced off area of my backyard that used to be a garden and that will be the chickens ranging area. Unfortunately, our dog doesn't seem to like birds very much (or perhaps she likes them TOO much!) so I can't let them range the entire backyard. It's a decent size area for my 4 chickens though.

Mine are chicks that are approximately 4 weeks old. I got them from a local farm.. the lady had a TON of different types of chickens and other birds.

I have 2 cochins who we *hope* are girls. The largest is grey and she seems to be the "boss". Her name is Rosie. She'll let you pet her but isn't a fan of being held. She also doesn't chirp much. The other is black and her name is Dorothy. She never shuts up. She chirp chirp chirps all the time unless she is sleeping. She's more receptive to being held.

I also have 2 easter eggers who we also hope are girls. They are nearly identical except one is darker and the other is kind of a diluted color. The dilute one is Lucy and the darker one is Ethel. They love to snuggle and be held. Ethel seems more daring though.. so perhaps I should have named her Lucy instead. :) She's always trying to jump up on top of the waterer and feeders where Lucy seems more calm.

They are currently living in our garage until they get all their feathers. I can just sit and watch them for hours.. they are so funny! I especially love it when they all pile up together and fall asleep. So sweet!!! :)
Hi and
So glad you joined us!!!

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