New Moustache resolution for 2012!!

O.K..........but be SURE get.....some "Mustache Wax" before you go to "Sin-City" !

( You might not be able to afford to buy any there ....after you've been there a few hours.)

Drive there in a $ 50,000.00 Cadillac......
and probably go home in a $ 400,000.00 Bus !!!

just saying.....
THE Curmudgeon
P.S. Does the "Lizard" live in the Moat ? Link:
Well I wont be competing in the english category,but in the Imperial category.Here is last years champion below my pic.I dont have far to go:

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You can easily SEE the "dramatic effect" this would provide by looking at the following 2 pictures: Pix/YulBrynnerwithhishair.jpg Pix/YulBrynnerwithouthair.jpg

JUST TRYING to be helpful.
THE ( ROYAL ) Curmudgeon
was that Yule? wow. Impressed,but no. I was in the military and now I like is me friend.
me wuv hair.

I can SEE the dramatic effect. but alas,neveer going to happen, but if it does DW said I can get an 8ball tatoo on the top of my chrome-dome.



maybe get some really dark hair dye and dye your moustache for luck. make it look fuller and more dramatic.
get a full bodied shampoo while you are at it, to get the fuller effect!

I know some of the CW guys out there really wax their got to the point it started to look gawdy with all that wax highlights that are so stiff. Kissing them is out of the question!

No, I dont think you look good bald. Maybe some Erik Estrada hair do will do! Hunka hunka teenager heart throb!
I am working on the Viking mustache, this year....Like the Minnesota Vikings Logo. It's all about patience and breaking the old habit of chewing off the ends.
I am working on the Viking mustache, this year....Like the Minnesota Vikings Logo. It's all about patience and breaking the old habit of chewing off the ends.
I can totaly do that. Right now, without waxing,I can sort of look like Paul Sr. cept my hair is black,im hispanic,and I dont make choppers,nor live in new york.

Ewesheep: Eric Estrada = no! Never liked Poncherella. He gets on my nerves.

Harli50: my hair is black, how much blacker can it get?? I use black clubman wax on it to hide my grey hairs on it. If there were another moustache product I would use it. Wax does suck somedays.

The Curmudgeon: I always like How Yule looked. But I would not even come close to him. My head has valleys and crests in it.Best for me to have hair.

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