New & NUTSO waiting on mail-order babies! ARRRGH!


5 Years
May 20, 2014
Hello, it feels like I've read so much I could have a chicken PhD by now but the real test is in the hands-on care of the critters, not knowing your book facts. I haven't handled a chick in years and years, not since I was a girl--will I be a good chick mommy? I've always had pets and animal companions, from ducks rabbits turtles and even a gator as a kid to nowadays three sweet cats, a found Catahoula dog and a pond full of the friendliest goldfish. I've just ordered my first ever mail-order batch of four baby chicks AND THEY COME IN THIS WEEK AND I'M CRAZY BROODY WAITING ON THEM. I'm trying not to be anxious--after all, I parent two special needs kids and I've overcome all sorts of mothering challenges so I shouldn't be all worried and flustered over four little peeps this much, should I?

Telling me not to worry is like telling the sun not to rise, heh heh. I'm a bona fide Jewish mama. I've already put a little star of David on the chicken coop.
Have everything all set up in the little kosher brooder and my daughter and I plan to sleep next to it the first few nights the chicks are here. It's pretty warm here in South Louisiana where we are already but I'm still nervous about the chicks getting too hot or too cold or encountering some sort of problem while I'm not looking! Hmmm, if I remember correctly, I didn't stop checking on my firstborn to see if he was breathing until he was a year old. With my second, maybe I stopped checking on her when she was 6 months old?

Anyways, glad to be here. Been reading the forum for months now and about to burst from anticipation this week so I thought I'd go ahead and post. I can't even eat--I'm so nervous.
Hello and :welcome! I know all of us at one time or another were new to chickens! They are a lot of fun to watch and you learn something new everyday from just watching them. If you have any questions no matter how silly they may seem to you, just ask! There are a number of knowledgeable chicken peeps on here that will be more than willing to help you. Welcome again to our mixed flock! :cd

This is the site for each state, find yours and have fun.

Another for raising baby chicks, :)

And finally some good information here,
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Welcome to BYC!

I know how you feel! The waiting can kill you! I hope they arrive in good condition. I am sure they will be fine. Make sure to notify your Post Office so they can call you the moment they arrive.

Basskids has left you with some very good links to follow. Here is another nice link to the first 60 days of raising your new babies...

I too am a nervous mommy. I have chicks in the brooder right now and it is easy to worry and fuss over them. Enjoy your new chicks and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your soon to be new chicks! Hope they all arrive safely and happily!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes and links! I've been lurking on this forum for many months and took the time while waiting on the post office to check out lots of threads and more information.

THE BABIES CAME! They were shipped fast! 24 hrs from MPC to Baton Rouge via Express Mail. Faster than I expected. They were chirping and lively and so tiny and cute with their little egg teeth and bright eyes. There was a last minute substitution on the gold-laced Wyandotte--I got a Cuckoo Marans and I'm glad to have her! I always wanted one and they were sold out everywhere. She looks like a little penguin with a white fuzzy butt.

They're eating and drinking and pooping and playing well. My kids are fascinated with them. My husband, the city boy, thought one of them was dead when it fell asleep!
No pasty butt. I fed them oatmeal and scrambled eggie for their first meal. They're nonstop at the organic feed right now and pretty quiet--they go PEEEEEEP when they poop and it's so funny. First day has been so fun, and I'm looking forward to the rest of my time with these chickies. <3

Here they are right when I opened the box. That's my finger petting Gigi, the Marans. Chocobo is the Buff Orp. The EE in the center is the bossypants Shirley who was the first to eat and try to climb up my arm (they're all doing that). The smaller EE is Carmen.

Chicken butts in the brooder. They were trying to reset the thermometer until they figured out it wasn't food. They're really lively for less than a day old! They were hatched Wednesday May 21 and I got them Thursday morning May 22!

So far everything is great. I slept next to the brooder in a sleeping bag last night (I know). My dog slept next to me. She's been great about chasing the cats away every time they get near the room. She's going to be a good mom to the chicks.

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