New one year old peafowl, not drinking lots of water.


In the Brooder
May 28, 2021
Hi! We have three new peafowl! They are doing great, but they don’t seem to be just drinking a lot of water between the three of them. We are changing the water daily. Any ideas or opinions? I read where they drink 2-3 cups a day. Which I know they may not drink that exact amount but I do feel like they should be drinking more than they are, considering it is summer. We have chickens and they drink their water like crazy but our peafowl are not. We are experienced big time with chickens, just not peafowl.
thanks in advance for any advice.
Peafowl are not like chickens, they are not eating machines bred to get fat and be slaughtered for food. They will eat and drink as needed, just make sure you keep feed available and they will be fine. IB's are stately birds that walk about looking and inspecting things and their curiosity will bring them to clean foods above ground not scratching in the dirt for nasties. Greens are elegant birds with long and lean appearance maintaining their swift and flighty awareness. Do not domesticate peafowl or you will end up with short, fat unhealthy birds. They need lots of space with green pasture and high protein feed.
Peafowl are not like chickens, they are not eating machines bred to get fat and be slaughtered for food. They will eat and drink as needed, just make sure you keep feed available and they will be fine. IB's are stately birds that walk about looking and inspecting things and their curiosity will bring them to clean foods above ground not scratching in the dirt for nasties. Greens are elegant birds with long and lean appearance maintaining their swift and flighty awareness. Do not domesticate peafowl or you will end up with short, fat unhealthy birds. They need lots of space with green pasture and high protein feed.
Thank you so much for information:)

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