New owner, almost.


In the Brooder
Dec 15, 2019
Frankfort, Indiana
Well I ordered 9 started pullets from myer hatchery. They are due to pick up on Mar 20. 3 Rhodes, 3 barred rock and 3 golden buff.
I had an unused back room in my barn that was years of junk. Cleaned it out and started on the coop.
One condition I may be gone several days at time. So I need large feeders/water for that. Roll out nest box with rear entry so that eggs can be retrieved easily without getting inside coop. Poop board under roost, auto door to open/close to outside. Large clean out door. I think I have it all except the feeder and water and adding a large window/ventilation. Here are some shots of the work.
Nice job except I see no ventilation.
Not shown in pics is the top of walls where it meets roof. some pretty good gaps there for vents. Plus above the next box is window. I am going to install in window on the back wall 29 x 42. they are covered with hardwood cloth. and the long wall toward the bottom is a long hardware cloth vent that opens to my shop. I am planning on hanging 5 gal bucket feed and nipple water inside. thanks for your reply
Welcome to backyard Chickens a wonderful community and everyone has their opinions to express.. I will add I use 5 gallon buckets for water last 30 about a week.. Horizontal nipples I bought from Amazon, 3 week olds can activate them to drink I set them on cinder-blocks for grown birds


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Welcome to backyard Chickens a wonderful community and everyone has their opinions to express.. I will add I use 5 gallon buckets for water last 30 about a week.. Horizontal nipples I bought from Amazon, 3 week olds can activate them to drink I set them on cinder-blocks for grown birds
Same nipples I have been looking at. I am going to hang mine from ceiling. How far is yours off the floor?
How big is that room, in feet by feet....and how long is the roost/board?

I see some red flags....roosts seem close together(should be 12" from wall and 12-18 apart), ramp to board might be too steep for coming down and flying may cause wall crashes.
Best not to hang a nipple waterer, set it on a block and a couple-few pavers(~10-12" from floor).
Nice nest placement.

Oh, and.....Welcome to BYC! @deencarolh
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
How big is that room, in feet by feet....and how long is the roost/board?

I see some red flags....roosts seem close together(should be 12" from wall and 12-18 apart), ramp to board might be too steep for coming down and flying may cause wall crashes.
Best not to hang a nipple waterer, set it on a block and a couple-few pavers(~10-12" from floor).
Nice nest placement.

Oh, and.....Welcome to BYC! @deencarolh
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
View attachment 1999485
Hello I am north central Indiana, Frankfort. Poop board and roost are about 6' long. Roost are about 10" apart. First one is 8" above board and the second one is 16'. Room is about 6 x 8 with a storage area 6 x 5 storage area outside the coop door where I access the rear of nestbox. Thanks for your input

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