New Owner in Florida


6 Years
Nov 3, 2013

I have been blessed with 3 sex link hens. My daughter wanted hens, so she build a large and pretty cool hen house. Then after about 6 months decided to move out and guess who got the guess it. I love having them around, they are very social, sometimes when company comes over to social. I spend lots of time with them and spoil them rotten. But I don't know the first thing about raising them, so I found this site.

I have one hen that has distant herself, I notice her loosing a couple of feathers here and there. She doesn't seem to be in any pain and I notice her drinking water but not eating that much. I figure if she keeps it up I would take her to the vet. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Hello :frow and Welcome to BYC! This time of year a lot of chickens are going into molt, do you know if she is laying eggs? How does she feel compared to the other hens when you pick her up, does she seem thin or anything unusual compared to the other girls?
I wormed all 3 girls today, plus 7 dusted their house and clean it really good. They got all new shavings and fresh hay in their nesting box.

Will keep posting on outcome.

Thank you!
Just an up date.

Girls are doing great! I wormed them with Safe Guard (horse wormer) and 7 dusted them (just in case) and their house. No eggs yesterday, but this morning I made them bananas and apples and they couldn't eat it fast enough and everyone is pepi again. :)

Thank you

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