New Peacocks


Jul 25, 2016
Roanoke, VA
Hi, I got 2 peacocks about a month or two ago from an animal rescue and we have an enclosed chicken wire area that we decided to put them in. We covered the top with wild bird netting, thinking that it would keep them in but as soon as I went in there one flew up and broke through the netting. Both of them ended up getting out, so we put up lost peacock signs. About 2 weeks later someone called saying they caught one of the peacocks. We got him home and put him in a large chicken coop. About a week later after that, the same man came over and told us he got our other peacock. We borrowed a large chain-link dog kennel/dog pen from a friend of ours and put it next to the side of the coop and opened one of the small, chicken sized doors on the side of the coop and let the peacocks go out. Now every morning they put their tails up and do a little funny dance. They seem to like being outside, but do you all have any other suggestions?
this is them in their kennel. to the left is the coop door near the roll of wire.
, the Peafowl Department, and congratulations on getting your boys back! They are not easy to catch, so I hope you appreciated the efforts of your nice neighbor!
They look very healthy and happy.

Is your question about the best way to house them? You can buy much stronger netting to put over the top of their enclosure, other peapeople here can give you specifics about the best type (or you can do a search). They do need plenty of room, usually 100 square feet per bird is recommended.
Okay, Thank you so much! I have found much stronger netting, but it is as least $500 per roll...
They seem happy so I guess I'll just leave it as is.
I use 1" knotted I bought from pinnonhatch, lasting over 5 years in full sun and still look like new. They handle barn cats jumping on them all the time. Had more problem with zip ties breaking, eventually made my own out of aluminum wire.
I use 1" knotted I bought from pinnonhatch, lasting over 5 years in full sun and still look like new. They handle barn cats jumping on them all the time. Had more problem with zip ties breaking, eventually made my own out of aluminum wire.

Ok thank you guys both- will use your ideas! :)

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