New Rabbit!!


8 Years
Jul 10, 2011
Hills of Kentucky
Today I was given a white w/ black spotted rabbit. It is medium size and nice as can be!!! I am not sure what gender it is though. Any tips for me since this is my first ever rabbit? I would appreciate the help.

they need something to chew on cause their teeth never stop growing. also if you have him/her on a wire bottom cage be careful cause they can get sore hocks, so make sure they have somewhere they can get off the wire to rest their feet
Yes they need something to chew on, such as a block of hard wood. Also, timothy hay to help with digestion and prevent wool block. As for the bottom of the cage, I would make 1/3 of it a solid floor so they have the choice of where to lay, and then all you have to do is brush the waste out through the wire and sweep it up.
I use the Small world rabbit feed from Walmart as that's from Manna Pro and it's one of their show rabbit feeds under a new name.
I use all wire floors an have never had a problem I do use Resting mats foun at all rabbit cage companies. If you need names i can give you a huge list of which copmanies I love.
our bunnies our outside in a 'hutch' type rack. under it we have a large open topped 'box' (framed with 2x4 and plywood bottom) to catch all the droppings mixed with cheap top soil. We did this so we can use it for fertilizer in the garden. Next spring will be our first garden with rabbits so I don't know how well it will work but the internet says rabbit poo is great for garden!

With our set up, there is no smell or anything because the top soil helps break up the urine.

My mother in law has in door rabbits and they are potty trained and use a cat litter box.... Works well if you don't have dogs.

Same thing happened to us! Here's how it turned out:

In May somebody sold us this rabbit as a young 'un, we call him Bunny. We paid $240 for all his initial vet stuff including neutering. We also spent about $20 on materials to house him in our front hall of our home. He has no cage, but we "fenced off" a bay window section and gave him a wool rug, a tupperware bin to climb in and on filled with timothy hay, and a litterpan. We close him into his bay window "room" for overnight as he would be under the kids beds "moving furniture" and pushing books off shelves all night, disturbing our sleep.

He goes outside and comes inside like a dog, he sometimes stretches out for us to pet him, and will jump up on the couch with us and nudge for pets. But he never responds to anything we say to him, and certainly knows no "commands" or tricks. He's a little like a pet dog, but with autism. He uses his cat litter pan filled with dirt and grass-sod from outside to pee into, and there's no smell like cat's urine... The urine is different, maybe made sweeter by all the greens he eats? In May he'd leave bunny turds on the floor as he went along, but now he rarely does (but his litter pan is full of them).

He eats Purina Rabbit Show food pellets in his favorite steel measuring cup while inside. He gets a whole carrot every evening when he returns indoors, then runs through the house with it from person to person, tossing it in front of them, and each person tends to speak for him, "Hey LOOK! I got a CARROT!". He eats constantly while outdoors, dried maple and oak leaves, long grasses, weeds, flowers, chicken feed and chicken treat/scratch. He also would eat wires while indoors, he snipped a few in half before we bought tube wire protectors. We also covered the outlets in the walls where he can reach, he likes to lick things.

He loves Daddy's shoes, but its more like he loves to attack the shoes and drag them around. He spreads himself out like Superman flying, with his legs out behind him, by Daddy most of the time while he's inside. He WOULD destroy books, but we prevent him from reaching them. Outdoors, he digs and digs and digs, its very funny to watch him dig but I secured our fenced yard 100X100feet with chicken wire dug inground to about a foot down. He still digs, but loses interest rapidly. Indoors, he's learned to jump over his bay window room gate, but hasn't seemed to notice our outdoor fence is shorter. Too many distractions out there.

Well, that's how our "free" bunny turned out for us! I'm pretty sure I haven't done it the way professional bunny people might do it. But this bunny is a happy bunny, and for my first attempt its a happy co-existence. The way he ZOOMS around outside is amazing! He's a punk to the chickens, mostly but they tolerate each other. His damage to our indoors has been minimal, just a few wires and once, he peed by the upstairs bathroom, but that was a long while ago. Now he's probably 7 months old.

I hope this story of our Bunny is helpful. I hope to hear the story of your bunny soon!

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