New rollout nest design Picture heavy-edited 1/21

. Went with the John Deere theme!
Cheers! This plan was simple and easy to build! I butted this box against the side of my converted shed and cut in an access door so I can just lift the door and pull eggs out without even entering the run. Used 18mm (3/4" plywood) as stated in the instructions and this thing is VERY heavy when completed. I had to carry it a decent bit to get it to the coop and I was wishing I had put it together inside the shed instead!

I may need to shave some more material off the rear dividers, after adding the nest pads I don't think I have enough clearance for larger eggs to roll through.



Thanks again Opa!
Cheers! This plan was simple and easy to build! I butted this box against the side of my converted shed and cut in an access door so I can just lift the door and pull eggs out without even entering the run. Used 18mm (3/4" plywood) as stated in the instructions and this thing is VERY heavy when completed. I had to carry it a decent bit to get it to the coop and I was wishing I had put it together inside the shed instead!

I may need to shave some more material off the rear dividers, after adding the nest pads I don't think I have enough clearance for larger eggs to roll through.



Thanks again Opa!
You may find that you do need to increase the height of the rear curtain but I would advise adding the fringed rubber skirt to the bottom of it. The eggs will still roll thru but it help hide the eggs from the hens.
Now that the girls are learning to use the boxes, it seems the size of the egg plays a role on whether or not the roll all the way back to the bumper pad. Anyone else seen this issue?
Egg weight definitely contributes to the speed and distance the eggs roll. Also the position of the egg after the hen steps off. If the end of the egg happens to be parallel to the back of the box. My first box didn't have the foam bumper on the egg tray and occasionally that resulted in a cracked egg.
You're a gem! These are wonderful plans - I built it in a (long) evening. Needed a second pair of hands to help hold the preliminary box together - but other than that, could build by myself.

Question though: I've gotten the recommended plastic liner product - but I must have a different size? As when I put the two pieces abutted together, it sticks out the back by about 2"? It's dark, or I'd share a photo - reminder to self to post one in the morning. The first piece of matting fits just to the edge of the 'skirting', the second hangs off the back?

The plywood for the sides, bottom and back was 23 3/4" (not the 24" it was supposed to be) - could it really have made THAT much of a difference? I'll have to trim the plastic matting, or score it so it'll fit up the back lip to serve as the 'bumper'. Still working on it all!
Opa! I joined BYC specifically to tell you that I adore your design!

I built a three nest roll out box earlier this week. I had trouble getting my chickens to lay in it because they were used to their old straw beds. So I researched this thread and screwed some plastic golf balls in to the nest and added a little bit of straw. I haven't gotten eggs from them unless I check the nests multiple times daily in months. They got an egg eating habit that I couldn't shake with mustard, soap, golf balls, grit, oyster shells or any other theory out there. I built your boxes and have gotten seven eggs each day since!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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