New Rooster ran away :(


8 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Hi everyone,

So we just got our 4 hens back who were spending the winter with relatives (our coop isn't winterized yet). While our hens where there they also got a second rooster. Unfortunately this new rooster didn't get along with their "alpha" rooster and I ended up taking the new one home.

When I got home my hens jumped out of their crate and went straight to their pen, it was like they never left. The rooster unfortunately got away from me a took off into the bush. I know he's spent the past couple months with my hens so I figured he'd come back so I waited. While doing yard work I noticed he did come back but only to coax two of my hens to follow him back to the bush.

I got my two hens back but the rooster is nowhere to be seen. I looked until dark and I also checked the trees to see if he was sleeping up there. Nothing. This morning there is still no sign.

Any chances he will come back?
Update: went for a walk after work today an low and behold my rooster was strutting his stuff in the middle of my neighbors horse pasture. So after about an hour of running around, getting soaked shoes and multiple scratches from thorn bushes, my rooster is now back with the hens. Phew, time for a beer.
Update: went for a walk after work today an low and behold my rooster was strutting his stuff in the middle of my neighbors horse pasture. So after about an hour of running around, getting soaked shoes and multiple scratches from thorn bushes, my rooster is now back with the hens. Phew, time for a beer.

I can just imagine you running around after your chicken. :lau. On a serious note I am glad you got your rooster back and nothing bad happened to him.

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