New rooster too thin

Knock Kneed Hen

California Dream'in Chickens
9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
So. Cal.
I'm worried about my new Blue Cochin roo. His keel is very prominent...he's not just on the thin side, he's downright skinny. He appears healthy otherwise.

I'm going to go ahead and worm him tomorrow just in case. Are there some treats I can give him that will help him put on some weight?
i'm thinking i've read that you don't want to worm them right away if they are too thin or anemic. Please someone correct me if i am mistaken. Or it may depend on the wormer. i've been using Verm-X, which is all natural, so doesn't put a huge strain on their systems.

You could give him scrambled or hard-boiled eggs, a spoonful of plain yogurt a couple times a week. i've read that Calf Manna is good. i have some, but have only used it a couple times. Vitamins, like Polyvisol without iron is good. Or your feedstore should have some chicken vitamins that you put in the water. Fresh veggies or dark green lettuce, or mealworms would help. i'm sure others will chime in soon.

Good luck!
I'll give him some corn and hold off worming him until I get a little more input. Thanks for your replies.
Giant Cochins are often thin... do this... Give him a protien boost... and some rooster booster to increase his appetite..

chicken or bacon dripping, flax seed etc... some extra fat in his diet... also Cranberries.. man are they good for what ails ya...

Scrambled eggs or french toast.. and most definelty deal with worms.... DE, ACV or wormer your choice... follow with yogurt (not cheapie sweetened stuff).. get the good stuff (it only cost 30 cents more. It is important to stay on top of the problem.. I would separate him till I was more confident of his wieght.... they are generous in spirit and will give the very last little bits away...Good luck and post a pic or send me one.. I raise Large Blue Cochin so I know what you are dealing with... You can cheat and go buy him some suet cakes also... I would make sure that he isn't getting only hen feed.. he needs far more than that.
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Thanks for all the tips. This is my first flock so my first rooster. He is separated because he's 9 mos. and the others are only pullets. I will follow through with deworming him, then some yogurt and the goodies that your recommended. My hard drive is broken and my husband just ordered a new one but I had posted some of his pics on another thread here:

When you say he shouldn't be only getting hen feed are you saying that they make a feed for roosters
or are you saying that I should be supplementing with other things like what you've mentioned above? I feel like a dummy
here so please be kind. LOL!

Oh, I wanted to add, he doesn't seem to want to perch. I crate him in the garage and I put a little 2 x 4 perch in there for him but he prefers to be on the ground. I put him up on the perch in the picture just for the picture. I'm building my coop and I'm wondering what I should build for him to roost at night. I was thinking of a ramp that leads to a platform next to the regular least give him a choice. Good idea?
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We are new to raising chickens and have found we have a similar problem....our 5 month old blue cochin doesn't look or act sick but when we pick him up is extremly thin...can feel his breast bones and no meat on him (sorry I don't know all of the correct terms). I am curious how this turned out for you. How do I know if I need to treat for that why he might be so thin?
I too have a young but skinny rooster. He’s a Sussex as far as I can tell. I was buying all pullets and turned out to have one Roo in the bunch. I’m not mad at all but he is skinny and that has me concerned. They’ve been treated and cleared of worms and coccidia a few weeks ago so he should be putting on weight. I’ll try the eggs snd yogurt. I already give them a grub treat every day. My flock are only about 3 months old. But he’s starting to crow and be a little protective of them. :)

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