NEW RP! ~World Collision~ NEED PLAYERS:)

Mar 3, 2018
Hello. I am creating this RP for those who want to step into another dimension, another world, another time, another galaxy. This is a place where the imagination rules. Creativity thrives. Anyone is welcome to join. Please read over these rules before submitting your character profile.

lease Read First

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

Here is some background story to begin our RP.

The sunsets on Rockcliff. The sky is hazy, as it always is. A light purple hue covers the landscape. A fog begins to creep up from the Lakes below into the valley. The the wind begins to blow sending the fog deeper into the surrounding areas. The large luscious plants and Tall evergreens begin to get drops of dew on them. The sweet odor of the lilies play in the night air. It is a normal night.

On the other side of the planet Croton as waking up. The hot sun is baking the moisture out of the sand, even though it is still morning. No clouds are in the sky. There never are here. The well-trodden pads to the small well begin to fill with those coming to get there jar of water for the day. There's a harsh wind, it drives the sand into their eyes and hits their skin. There are no trees here, it is much too dry for that . an occasional bush makes its way up from the sand, it will not live long It is a normal day and Croton.

People Groups.
Side of Rockcliff.
Dagons: these people live in the Lush domain of rockcliff. They are the rulers. They are the Royal lineage. In appearance they are very similar to modern day people, the slightly more Elvish appearance. They live in the mountains of rock cliff. The capital city is Rowan. At this present time, there is an election for the new ruler. This happens every 8 years. I will need characters to be placed in the election. This people group are each born with a special skill. Examples of skills, archery, swordsmanship, cooking, medicine, Etc. Each player can choose their own skill set.

These are the people that live in the forest and valleys of rock cliff. They are very in touch with nature. Some having the ability to communicate with animals. They live purely off of what nature provides. They are an appearance very similar to their cousin race,the Dagons. They are slightly smaller in stature , with fair skin and blue eyes . They very rarely go up into the mountains. And stay to themselves. Their special skill is being able to communicate with nature. Each one is born with a special skill to communicate with a certain thing. Such as trees, Rivers, animals Etc.

Croton :

Mattermorphs: these people live in the desert of Croton. They live as well as they can off the land. They live above ground. They are wild people with a wild look. Very rugged and appearance and stocky built. Their lives are hard and they age hard. Their livelihood is just staying alive. They are very poor, and live in Huts made out of clay. There is no ruler, there is no rules, there is no law. The only law is to do whatever it takes to survive.

Galaxywells: unknown to the race above, these people live under the harsh conditions of the Zoran desert. The matter morphs have no idea of the entire civilization beneath them. Underground is a large water supply, there are also crystals that give off light similar to that of the Sun only blue. Because there is a constant water supply and Light plants have adapted to grow their and it is like a paradise. The inhabitants of this place have no idea of the outside world. They believe this is the only world that there is. They were originally matter morphs who went underground to take shelter during a massive sandstorm. But all those who knew this are dead and there is no history of who they are or where they came from. They live under the rule of a king, who does very little with the actual people. They are very peaceful having no reason to fight. They are also Elvish an appearance. Having a larger eyes than normal due to the conditions of living Underground. But in general they look just as we do today only slightly different. They are spoiled, there laws are very simple. As a race of people they are very beautiful and vain. They have special skills but do not know how to use them due to the fact that they are not in the regular world.


Rockcliff selection of a ruler is in full swing, candidates are submitting their resumes now. Down Below in the valley life goes on as normal. On the other side of the world in the desert storm is brewing period with intense winds. Below the sands only a faint rumbling can be hard. A massive earthquake is about to hit. And when it does the ground is going to break, and a race that is not even known to exist is about to emerge. The Great Divide of water that separates the mountains and Valley from the sands on the other side, is also about to change. The two sides that have never met are about to collide and all four races are going to be forced to be a part of each other's lives. It's about to be intense. Join me on this incredible journey, create your character, and live in the ever-changing world before you.

Character form.
Special power:

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Name: River Howlet
Race: She is half Dagon half Rockenuff, but lives among the Rockenuff
Appearance: 4 feet 9 inches, light skin, beautiful dark brunette hair, large grey eyes, wears a dark grey shirt, black leather jacket, black pants, and grey shoes that look like tennis shoes, 13 years old
Gender: female
Personality: River knows almost every trick in the book, fast, gruff, and snappy she can come off as ruthless and ready to fight everyone- and she is. She is quick to act in any situation, loyal, tries not to make to many friends, but if she befriends you, you have a very loyal companion and body-guard for life. More of a tough love person. Is not afraid to kill. Fearless on the outside, very sarcastic and can make a joke in the darkest of situations. On the inside she is really just a confused child though. Rarely shows anyone her true nature, but can sometimes be very caring. She is very close to her half brother, Lucas.
Past: Her father James was a Dagon who did have a wife and a son with that wife, but she died in child birth with that son. Later on because of political issues he and his son, Lucas, moved away from Rowan and into Rockenuff land, where he eventually married Kayla, a beautiful woman from the woods. They had a son, Mac, and later on, a daughter, River.
River grew up a mostly normal life, until she was 10, her brother Mac was 13, her brother Lucas was 15 and bandits attacked their homestead and killed Kayla and James, but spared their two sons and daughter. Struggling to survive the three children began to hunt for meat and forage for fruits and vegetables, and, somehow, managed to survive and keep themselves fed. They continue to live on that homestead and nothing very eventful has happened since their parents died.
Family: Kayla Howlet (Mother, deceased) Lucas Howlet (Half brother, alive, age 18) Mac Howlet (Brother, alive, age 16) James Howlet (Father, deceased)
Weapons: A sword and dagger
Special power: Like Rockenuff, she can speak to and understand animals, and has a pet black wolf, named Trodaire, a kind of wolf that lives long as Dagons and Rockenuff.
Username: @RiverStorm
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Name: River Howlet
Race: She is half Dragon half Rockenuff, but lives among the Rockenuff
Appearance: 4 feet 9 inches, light skin, beautiful dark brunette hair, large grey eyes, wears a dark grey shirt, black leather jacket, black pants, and grey shoes that look like tennis shoes, 13 years old
Gender: female
Personality: River knows almost every trick in the book, fast, gruff, and snappy she can come off as ruthless and ready to fight everyone- and she is. She is quick to act, in any situation, loyal, tries not to make to many friends, but if she befriends you, you have a very loyal companion and body-guard for life. More of a tough love person. Is not afraid to kill. Fearless on the outside, very sarcastic and can make a joke in the darkest of situations. On the inside she is really just a confused child though. Rarely shows anyone her true nature, but can sometimes be very caring. She is very close to her half brother, Lucas.
Past: Her father James was a Dragon who did have a wife and a son with that wife, but she died in child birth with that son. Later on because of political issues he and his son, Lucas, moved away from Rowan and into Rockenuff land, where he eventually married Kayla, a beautiful woman from the woods. They had a son, Mac, and later on, a daughter, River.
River grew up a mostly normal life, until she was 10, her brother Mac was 13, her brother Lucas was 15 and bandits attacked their homestead and killed Kayla and James, but spared their two sons and daughter. Struggling to survive the three children began to hunt for meat and forage for fruits and vegetables, and, somehow, managed to survive and keep themselves fed. They continue to do live on that homestead and nothing very eventful has happened since their parents died.
Family: Kayla Howlet (Mother, deceased) Lucas Howlet (Half brother, alive, age 18) Mac Howlet (Brother, alive, age 16) James Howlet (Father, deceased)
Weapons: A sword and dagger
Special power: Like Rockenuff, she can speak to animals, and has a pet wolf, named Trodaire, a kind of wolf that lives long as Dragons and Rockenuff.
Username: @RiverStorm
Looks great ! Thanks for joining: )
Character form.
Name: Meranda
Race: mattermorph
Appearance: long dark hair, tan skin from constant exposure to the Sun. Dark brown eyes with long lashes, slender nose and full lips. Light freckles on her cheeks. She wears a faded jacket and Faded jeans that are well worn
Gender: female. Age 19
Past: she lives alone, not sure who her parents were. She makes her living as a thief and forager.
About: she's very cunning and has a way with people. She can lie about anything but only does so because she needs it to survive.
Special power: can make anything believable.

Character form.
Name: Forest
Race. Rackenuff
Appearance: tall with dark wavy short brown hair. Sharp jawline and narrow nose. Thinner lips. Muscular.
Gender: male age 18
Past: lives in forest with his parents and sister Natalie. Is skilled and talking to the trees and can communicate with everything they've seen.
About: kind-hearted, very sarcastic. Very mature for his age.
Special power: can communicate with trees.

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