new silkie - is she sick? PICS

she may just have a bit of an upper respiratory infection. mix a little terramycin in her water. keep her separate for 2 weeks. she is blue and yes they can have regular wing feathers more shredded is more desirable for a show bird but for a pet she is cute

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So if they are lice - Can I catch them? My kids? YUCK!!! And if they are lice - will frontline kill them?
Here is what you can do without going with the poultry dust altho I do reccomend a good spray of adams flea and tick spray with IGR (for dogs) on top of the ivermectin to kill off the eggs. Use ivermectin pour on, or Iver on (cheaper), few tiny drops at the back of her neck ON THE SKIN not on the feathers, no egg withdrawl time and no messy dusting to be done on the birds. No retreatment for 3-4 months and the eggs are safe to eat. You will need to get the coop cleaned out and dusted with the poultry dust. Mix DE in with fresh bedding after the clean up and everyone will be just peachy in no time

ETA: Ivermectin pour on is for cattle but folks use it on chickrns all the time. It not only kills mites but it also gets rid of internal parisites as well. I have my whole flock of 48 on this. I dose them every 3-4 months and haven't had any problems with mites or lice for a long time.
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