New, sort of


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 16, 2012
Hi! I've been lurking around the forums for over a year, but finally registered.

My daughter and I have caught the chicken bug. We started with 6 strait run chicks in March of 11, and now, um, we have a lot more, and ducks.
1 RIR rooster, 1 NN game rooster, 3 game hens, 1 Blue Orphington hen, 1 Peking duck that thinks she's a chicken,
Pullets: 1 Aracana/ BR cross, 1 RIR, 1 RIR/game, 1 game

DD has 3 silkies (we think 1 white roo, 1 white hen, 1 black hen) that are 5 months old. Also, two month old Peking ducks, 2 game cross chicks, and 3 NN chicks.

We are trying to restrict ourselves to only hatching chicks to sell, silkies, and RIRs when the pullet is laying. We shall see. Chicks are so cute!

We board three horses and have a LaMancha doeling and little Boer cross wethers in addition to the human "kids", chicken friendly Rottie mix and a Schipperke. Yeah, we're not busy at all.
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sounds like your Peking needs a boyfriend : )
Well, of the two ducklings is a drake, and they hang out together now. :)
Unfortunately something got the other young duck that was a hen. Really weird. But, they have each other and waddle all over the yard. DD really wants to hatch ducklings.

Our silkies are over 20 weeks now and still not one egg. Sigh. We really want babies! The game pullet in with them hasn't laid either.

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