If we do red,white and blue I think I will make the quilt for my son who is in the Navy, wonder if I could make an anchor out of the squares, hhmmmm need to work on this.
Got my blocks yesterday. Thank you so much LADIES, they are so BEAUTYFULL. I take a break with the swaps and will start a crib quilt, because I'm a Gandma for the very first time. Little Henry's birthday is Feb 20 and he lives in Germany. So sad, that I can't hold him in my arms..............hubby just found a job and in this economy *sigh*

However, I will post pics from the blocks tomorrow on my block..........

And if you follow my blog, you will see the crib quilt as well.
Got my blocks yesterday. Thank you so much LADIES, they are so BEAUTYFULL. I take a break with the swaps and will start a crib quilt, because I'm a Gandma for the very first time. Little Henry's birthday is Feb 20 and he lives in Germany. So sad, that I can't hold him in my arms..............hubby just found a job and in this economy *sigh*

However, I will post pics from the blocks tomorrow on my block..........

And if you follow my blog, you will see the crib quilt as well.
Congrats on the grandbaby Balefire! I hope you get to see him soon, and congrats on hubby getting a job! The internet is wonderful now with keeping in touch with family. I will go see most of mine end of May, but it will have been over a year since I saw the grands, the youngest was just a couple weeks old last year.
I hope you both have skype, it is free to download and if your family member has skype it is free to video talk, so now you may not be able to hold your grand children but least you can see them in action.

Congrats on the job and new baby.
I hope you both have skype, it is free to download and if your family member has skype it is free to video talk, so now you may not be able to hold your grand children but least you can see them in action.

Congrats on the job and new baby.
Thanks you 2
Yes I have Skype, but my son is still mad @ me, because I moved to USA. To give me the link to the hospitalsite with the annoncement was allready a big thing...............Life is such an unfair sport.......................
I'm sorry to hear that, I am in a similar situation but with my daughter, hopefully they will see the light, course what goes around comes around, they have children and will be in our shoes one day.
Sorry to both of you, some days I just don't get the grown kids, the grands are much easier to deal with... A few years ago I was the built-in babysitter, now that we have been further way, I anticipate my yearly vacation to spend with them. Hugs to you both, so not right
Sorry to both of you, some days I just don't get the grown kids, the grands are much easier to deal with... A few years ago I was the built-in babysitter, now that we have been further way, I anticipate my yearly vacation to spend with them. Hugs to you both, so not right
Thanks GrannysRoost............. Hope they learn, that life never comes with an garantie and all the desicions you make are 50 % right and 50 % wrong.

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