New to all this need some advise!


In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
Hello all,
I’m very new to all this and love reading everyone’s handy tips and ideas, they have come in handy with getting me settled! I just have a couple of questions I wonder if anyone can help me with.
I recently received 3 duck eggs to try out hatching my own little ducklings. They were all from a family friends duck so no postage involved. I candled them all to start with and everything looked fine from what I could tell, 2 out of the 3 have been progressing nicely with lots of veins, at day 8 I noticed one of the 2 eggs had a detached air cell, they have all been vertical since day 1 and been hand turned couple times a day in the incubator! I tried following the advise of some tips I’d seen on here, by today day 10 one of the chick had died, all veins had gone and it was just a lot of mush! Would the death have been caused by the air cell or what are the chances of survival, I’m just worried now as today when I checked the other egg it seems to have a detached air cell as well, although not as bad as the other. I’m just worrying that this chick may die as well.
Any help would be mighty appreciated
could you maybe post some pictures of it? What kind of incubator are you using and what are your temperatures and humidity?
You can kind of see it here a bit, the bubble is a lot smaller than the one that was on other egg though!
I’m only using a really small incubator at the minute that I got off amazon as I needed it to come quickly I wanted to see how I got on with 2/3 eggs before I spent a lot of money on one, maybe that wasn’t the best idea though! I have the temperature at 38degrees. The incubator doesn’t tell me the humidity it just has little pockets to fill with water that’s another thing iv been worrying about.


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Ok then what you need to get is a hydrometer which will tell you the humidity. They are not very expensive. Since you told me the temperature in Celcius I imagine you are not in the USA. Here is the hydrometer I've got and all I can tell you is I got it at Walmart for about $7. It's really important to know the humidity when you're hatching for sure.
You can kind of see it here a bit, the bubble is a lot smaller than the one that was on other egg though!
I’m only using a really small incubator at the minute that I got off amazon as I needed it to come quickly I wanted to see how I got on with 2/3 eggs before I spent a lot of money on one, maybe that wasn’t the best idea though! I have the temperature at 38degrees. The incubator doesn’t tell me the humidity it just has little pockets to fill with water that’s another thing iv been worrying about.
That egg looks really good. 38 is a little high, I use 37.5. I would get the hydrometer as it will also be a separate temp check. Are you in a humid climate?
That egg looks really good. 38 is a little high, I use 37.5. I would get the hydrometer as it will also be a separate temp check. Are you in a humid climate?
Oh really okay I will turn it down a little! Ok I will bet looking for one now. No I’m not in a very humid climate
I am humid. Last hatch I got 100%. This batch I already lost 1/3rd of the eggs. Didn't do anything different. Very frustrating. Could be I'm not a good person to listen to.

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