new to backyard chickens


5 Years
Mar 12, 2016
My husband and I are doing the research needed to start raising backyard chickens. We live in Colorado, and have two young sons (who are very excited about helping). I am looking for resources on the best books, websites, and other suggestions to help get us started. Thank you ahead of time.
Hi and
- great that you have joined us.

The Learning Centre is a great resource, even for experienced chicken keepers - loads of info on anything chicken.

Joining your state thread will also put you in contact with other BYC members in your area.


The members here are amazing - very friendly and helpful, so if you need an answer to a question or simply want some reassurance that what you are doing is ok, then post away - we all help each other out here at BYC.

All the best
Just join the group.. in case I might have any questions.. first time owning any..i have 4 rhode island reds 1 black sex link and 2 ducks.. so I guess we will see how it goes..
I am looking for resources on the best books, websites, and other suggestions to help get us started.
You've found the forum. There are lots of helpful people on here. I got a couple of books out of the library but I've really found out more online than from books. To me, chickens seem a "hands-on" type of thing to learn about.

We have other members from Colorado (some beautiful snow landscapes in a thread about snow). It is also helpful to get advice from "locals" who know your weather and what you might need in the way of housing where you are.

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