New to Backyard Chickens

It's best to keep caged birds and chickens separate. Chickens can carry a range of diseases that, due to the length of their domestication, they have a tolerance to. Less domesticated (and less intensely bred) birds are at risk of picking these diseases up from birds such as chickens and they can be badly affected by them.

You could keep some Coturnix/Japanese quail - they lay yummy eggs, only need a small enclosure (though more space is always appreciated), and the majority are very friendly and sweet little birds. Either raise them yourself and interact with them a lot or find someone who handles their chicks as you'll want to keep just females, or at least 4 females to 1 male. If they aren't exposed to people much as chicks (ie. only see a human when they are fed and watered) they can be very flighty.

Hope that helps and welcome to BYC.

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