New to BackYard Chickens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 26, 2014
Hi All!
My husband and I just rescued a chicken that was living on the street in a bush. After confirming it was legal for us to keep her in our city, we named her Annie. We don't know what her breed is or how old she is. Also, we are assuming it's a female, but if you think otherwise, let me know.

I hope its not a rooster or we will have to get rid of him :( Not allowed in our city limits. We were debating getting a friend, but I guess we will wait and see.
Not long, we found her Monday night. She is very quiet and lets us hold her. No eggs. We thought she was just young. She is missing some feathers on her back, which we think might have been from the stress of living in a bush on a busy street.

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