New to BackYard Chickens

Good, I sure hope so too
Thanks for your help!
I really think he/she is cute are they friendly? I hope you can keep them... I just love chickens we have over 30 its kind of addicting...
She is friendly! I was surprised actually. We shut our dogs in the house and let her run around the backyard and she lets us pick her back up with no problem and hold her. After we first got her out of the bush Monday, she actually started falling asleep in my arms on our way home. I think she was relieved to be out of there!

I have never had chickens and my husband did as a kid, but we are mostly new to the whole thing. We don't have a lot of land and we have two big dogs so we plan to block off our side yard for her. Then we will see about getting her a companion :)

Welcome to BYC!

She could be a Sumatra. Looks like a Sumatra hen to me. I don't keep this breed, so I can't be sure. Post this pic in our What Breed section for help with this. Someone over there will know what breed she is....

So great that you were able to keep her...she is adorable! Welcome to our flock!

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