New to BYC and chickens in general


6 Years
Apr 26, 2013
My name is Sue and we recently moved to LA on 7.39acres. We plan to get Chickens very soon and I am a mad woman on a mission to discover all the pros and cons to the what to buys and what you need and how it all works. I Am very eager to get started and am on my way to read over previous posts because I am sure my questions are not the first ones of it's kind. I live in our home with my hubby and 4 children ranging in age from 2-15. We are not impressed with the school system here and plan to do an online home school next year and this will also allow the children to help with the care of the birds and eggs!
Welcome!! This is such a great site! I'm a newbie as well, my 6 chicks are roughly 2.5 weeks. I had not planned on getting chicks right now, in the future oh yeah, but not now lol. I was completely unprepared for them and have been on this site WAY too much ever since trying to learn as much as possible to make sure my new loves have a good life and provide lots of yummy eggs.


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