New to BYC and duck owning


Jun 15, 2022
Hi all! Especially duck owners. I just (a week ago) got 2 infant muscovy ducklings and am thrilled! They are great! So funny. Also growing so fast! I am interested in all of you who keep ducks and your experience with them. I have neighbors who keep chickens but they are newbies themselves and do not have any experience with ducks. Looking forward to "free ranging" and having my duck eat bugs! Reb
Ooops! Forgot a pic of the cuties!


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Hi all! Especially duck owners. I just (a week ago) got 2 infant muscovy ducklings and am thrilled! They are great! So funny. Also growing so fast! I am interested in all of you who keep ducks and your experience with them. I have neighbors who keep chickens but they are newbies themselves and do not have any experience with ducks. Looking forward to "free ranging" and having my duck eat bugs! Reb
Hi!!!! Welcome to BYC!!! I have 3 duck hens(all currently broody:rolleyes: ) And also 10 runner duck babies! I've never had muscovys before but they sound very cool,where are you going to keep them when they're older? How much land do you have?
I have about an acre with a small brook. Some wooded, some lawn and (a new) meadow in southern NH. I am adding a sheltered section to my wood shed because winter here get very cold and windy. I also plan to add a small run off the front of that sheltered area.
Yes, Madhouse, they ARE messy but interestingly they mess an area of their current pen (a kiddy pool) and the move to another area to sleep in cleaner bedding. I need to change it today as I have every other day.
They're so quiet! Just little twitters.
Hi swampfox, I'm a gardener too and wonder whether Jupiter and Dafne will help or hinder my efforts!
I'm sure they can, I love gardening myself. I use the waste for fertilizer. Put it in a pile and let it compost. I'm kicking around an idea I saw here on BYC! It was about putting in a waste tank for duck droppings. Good luck.
I have about an acre with a small brook. Some wooded, some lawn and (a new) meadow in southern NH. I am adding a sheltered section to my wood shed because winter here get very cold and windy. I also plan to add a small run off the front of that sheltered area.
Yes, Madhouse, they ARE messy but interestingly they mess an area of their current pen (a kiddy pool) and the move to another area to sleep in cleaner bedding. I need to change it today as I have every other day.
They're so quiet! Just little twitters.
Do you know what color the ducklings are going to be?

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