New to BYC and i have some ?

Oak Farm

7 Years
Oct 18, 2012
My silkie went broody and has been sitting on 12 eggs for about a week and a half. I built another coop for her and the soon to hatch baby chicks. It is october now and the tempature is changing at night to the 50's. When they hatch they will be moved with the mom to the coop and i was wondering if i should keep her and them inside the nesting part and close the run off until they get feathers?and should i put a heat lamp inside the coop at night?
Welcome to BYC its the place to be ;) All i have read about it says its safe to let them out in the run mom will keep them warm she knows when they are cold.So they should be fine in coop and run as long as moms with them. Glad to have you here with us. :)

oh and no heat lamp is needed.
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Thank you and also i was wondering what type of feed do i feed the chicks and the mom?

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