What an amazing site. Since I ordered my chicks a few weeks ago, I've been checking out these forums and I'm so impressed with everyones helpful advice. It's also nice to see there are other people as obsessed with raising chickens as I am
I'm expecting an order of twelve to arrive on Wednesday...4 RIR, 4 BR, and 4 Easter Egg chickens...I'm only keeping six ( two of each), as Rhode Island state law mandates that you must order 12. A friend of mine has chickens, and will take the six after a few weeks.
I just want to run the set up I have by some of you "experts", to ensure that I'm doing everything I can to keep healthy, happy chicks. I've had chickens but never from chicks, and Im really excited to see them from the start!
I have a giant bunny cage with a red heat lamp positioned over one side (thermometer reads 94 degrees on the ground of the cage). I have paper towels down now, but I was going to switch to shavings after a few days. The store I ordered the chicks from recommends dipping their beaks in water as soon as I bring them home, to ensure they will drink. I also have medicated chick starter to feed them. I've read a lot about putting sugar/vitamins/electrolytes in the water...should I do this?
Any tips on ensuring a safe and happy flock would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
What an amazing site. Since I ordered my chicks a few weeks ago, I've been checking out these forums and I'm so impressed with everyones helpful advice. It's also nice to see there are other people as obsessed with raising chickens as I am
I'm expecting an order of twelve to arrive on Wednesday...4 RIR, 4 BR, and 4 Easter Egg chickens...I'm only keeping six ( two of each), as Rhode Island state law mandates that you must order 12. A friend of mine has chickens, and will take the six after a few weeks.
I just want to run the set up I have by some of you "experts", to ensure that I'm doing everything I can to keep healthy, happy chicks. I've had chickens but never from chicks, and Im really excited to see them from the start!
I have a giant bunny cage with a red heat lamp positioned over one side (thermometer reads 94 degrees on the ground of the cage). I have paper towels down now, but I was going to switch to shavings after a few days. The store I ordered the chicks from recommends dipping their beaks in water as soon as I bring them home, to ensure they will drink. I also have medicated chick starter to feed them. I've read a lot about putting sugar/vitamins/electrolytes in the water...should I do this?
Any tips on ensuring a safe and happy flock would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!