New to BYC but have had chickens for years


6 Years
Jun 12, 2013
Hi, have been reading a lot of things on here and decided to join, I live on a small farm just chickens , cats , and a dog. I have 50 chickens, 1 Buff orpington Roo {Orpie},4 Sussex, 4 easter eggers, 1 austrolop, 2 leg horns, 1 sex link, 9 tetra tinted, 9 amber links, 9 RIR, 10 new Hampshire reds, Barn cats and a Belgium german shepard. the roo and 6 hens are 1 1/2 yrs old the others are this yrs chicks, they range from 6 wks old to 4 months old.
Greetings from Kansas, ebby460, and
! Great to have you with us! Good luck with your flock of 50 and cats and dog!

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