New to BYC in TN


16 Years
Nov 27, 2007
Dover TN
Hi all,

I'm new to BYC. I've lived in TN for 2 1/2 yrs and am having trouble finding other people that like poultry and fowl. There aren't many shows and what few there are, far drive and often small. They are usually far enough it is hard to get to events before they are about over. I'm in the Dover area. Any TN people out there???

Hi Blue Fire,

Where in mid TN are you??

I guess I posted this in the wrong place. Sorry everyone. I've posted in the "where am I?" heading.
Welcome to BYC Gootziecat.......nice to have ya ! I am in Oklahoma....but wanted to welcome you here
I'm not anywhere near you but want to say welcome to the best poultry place ever!
Where the cool poultry people hang. (I just wanted to say "cool-poultry-people" 'cause it sounds good, like a secret club or something) But seriously, welcome to BYC.
Hello! I'm in Clarksville. I have a variety of different bantams and a few standards.

No, I don't think the 4H even has poultry shows here. My daughter would love it if they did!

Welcome to the forum.

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