New to BYC ish


In the Brooder
Jul 13, 2022
Hi all! I’ve been lurking on the site for awhile getting answers to all my questions on raising chickens (and ducks) for awhile. I recently took over a few neighbor’s birds (a hen and her chicks from retiree, chicken and duck general pet owner).

I’m still new to chickens and duck but I’m quickly learning a lot. In total I have a duck, 8 hens, and 8 chicks forming a mixed flock…a small breed I have yet to ID, plym rocks, maran, OE, English orpington, ameraucana, sexlink(? RIR x ?)

So far I’m enjoying upgrading and customizing their pen. Im always out there adding something new as I learn more and will soon be extending their pen so I can give more space for ducky’s pool.

I’m super fascinated by breeders / hatchers to get certain traits in their flocks…I’m not there yet as I’m also focusing on my career and still getting basics down. I love touring other farmers and chicken owners set ups to see how to run their animals.

Outside of caring for our livestock (we have sheep and goat too), I am a pre med student caring for 3 now 4 dogs. One akita and the others all small terrier mixes. I get lots of help and will be handing off most of the responsibility for the next couple months while I return to classes but I’m constantly trying to improve and offer our animals the best happiest lives :)

Anyway I’m glad to be here on BYC and hope to learn much more. I’ve been on the site countless number of times to seek advice and answers to my qs and I’m always left with just what I was looking for. 🐣

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