New to BYC


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Kyle, TX
Hi, I am a new member on BYC. I found BYC looking for information about chickens. We were given 5 chickens on Friday by a friend who is having a hard time with her chickens because of the heat and drought here in Texas. We 3 regular size hens and then a bantam rooster and hen. I had already ordered 25 bantam chicks that I will be picking up on Wednesday. I have never had chickens before, but was around them as a child at my grand parents. That has been many years ago.
Our other animals include 4 pygmy goats we obtained about a month ago, 3 dogs (mini doxie, chihuahua and basset mixed with a blue lacy or maybe a pitbull, it's hard to tell. We have 2 inside cats and an outside cat(her choice). Oh yes and someone gave us a rabbit 3 days ago! My new hobby has become building pens and shelters for all the new animals, but I am absolutely loving it.
It is great to have a place to come and learn more about the chickens and hear other peoples stories.
from Pennsylvania!

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