New to BYC!

He is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. He chooses to sleep in a tree versus the barn. He's more of a dog than a turkey - he barks at cars that pull up in the driveway, he gobbles when you whistle and he chases the human kids around. He stands at my back door and pecks at the glass when we're in the kitchen like he wants to come in. My wonderful husband balked at the idea of cooking him for Thanksgiving and promptly stated that "Clyde" was a lawn ornament and was NOT to be harmed. Good grief
carmentk - I haven't the first clue what a chukar is so it is best to say I have no experience with them! Also, I'm in the eastern part of central NC so I'm pretty sure I won't make it to a get-together in central TN. I applaud you for working at a wildlife refuge. I'm not allowed to work with any other animals besides my own - I'd bring them all home and drive the hubby complete insane! I worked at a well known pet supply store and brought home guinea pigs, hamsters, cats, fish and fostered many many dogs. I've been forbidden from bringing home anything else.

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