New to BYC


9 Years
May 22, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Hi all,

I'm new to all this chicken stuff and am about to embark on a pretty exciting journey, complete with two hens, one 2 year old little girl, a very nosy dog, and a particularly handy husband (who will be doing most of the grunt building work). I've read so much about chicken care that I feel like my brain will explode and I am still feeling totally overwhelmed (even with the good fortune of having a real-life chicken farmer living across the street who listens to my endless questions!)

I'm looking forward to being a part of this community to learn as much as I can in hopes of being the best backyard farmer I can! Any direction, tips, pointers, etc would be most welcomed and I will make sure to post the coop photos and its new inhabitants!


feel free to ask all sorts of questions, there are a lot of knowledgeable people here. one thing to keep in mind, chickens are actually really easy to keep, so don't let the amazing amount of information out there overwhelm you too much
plenty of time for perfecting your methods as you go.

good luck!
Welcome from Middle Georgia. We will be looking for the progress. I am sure the 2 year old will enjoy the chickens. My helper is my 7 year old granddaughter.

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